Kristin cooks – healthy food for us Part2
Private cultivation
Some fruit, vegetable, salad and herb varieties I build even to themselves. We have a large roof terrace where it is possible in many, many pots and flower boxes. Good experience I made with arugula, radishes, Zwergnektarinen, currants, watercress, rosemary, lemon thyme and sage. This summer, I want to test my green thumb a little further.;-)
I have never liked cooked but now this attitude has totally changed. It ‘s part of my life, to create delicious healthy meals. Nevertheless, I am and remain a friend of simple recipes that are cooked as soon as possible and also leave to cook again after work. Eben job fit!
I am an absolute fan of Super Foods. Wheatgrass, sprouts, goji berries, pomegranates, lemons, yellow nutsedge or whatever. They all move at some point in my shopping cart or when I order online. Here, I pay particular attention to the origin, because of course many superfoods are not from the region, but travel once around the world.
Also my drinking behavior has changed. Before, I always thought that apple juice is the ne plus ultra. I have never made me aware of how much sugar plugged alone in a glass of it. Today I drink mostly still water and lots of tea. My preference is for green tea, but also herbal teas I like to drink. In addition, a part for me after getting a glass of warm water with half a freshly squeezed lemon to a good start to the day.
The change my diet to a more natural, unprocessed form has paid off. A key success factor for my migraines disappeared is my good nutrition. Since I eat better, I no longer suffer once a month below. Furthermore helped my diet for the most part to my athletic figure. Sure, muscles are built by training, but they are visible only by an accompanying healthy diet (20 % sports, 80% of diet ). Other positive effects of my altered diet: I feel more alert, have more energy, a more beautiful skin and better digestion. Everything you could wish for, right?